Friday, September 21, 2012


By Indiana Chirara

THE internet have tremendously improved the Media in Zimbabwe  since now news can be accessed at anytime and it is also spreading much more faster compared to newspapers.

Through internet Zimbabwean Media is following the footsteps of other well known international media such as CNN and Aljeezira.

In addition articles being published are more detailed because of the avalability of  broad information on the internet  and they is also authenticity and through the avalability of different sources of information.

The usage of internet enables the process of news gathering to be much more faster,therefore it saves a lot of time.

Media houses can take advantage of  facebook to lure companies to advertise their products and services on their webpage and this will definately attract a wider audience.

However the use of  internet is not all that good,because they are some weakenesses which comes  with it.The information on the internet is not always accurate.
This inaccurate information can be of great danger if used,it can also cause harm in many ways.

 The way internet is becoming popular,they is great need for media houses to engage in training programmes for their employees so that they can fully embrace with the ever changing technology.
However in most cases Media houses are  reluctant to take up such programmes due to the expenses.

As time goes on people will start to shun  traditional modes of information sources like newspapers and magazines.

Currently the accessibility of internet in the country is still  low,at the momemt not everyone have access to internet. However internet coverage  is spreading on a faster rate as more and more broadband is being in stalled  throughout country by different telecommunication companies .

In Zimbabwe almost every media house have internet access,though more needs to be done to improve internet accessibility,because at times internet will be down or very slow which will  hinder the progress of  work.

Due to internet,Newspapers are being overtaken as they are published at a specific time which differs from the internet,as anything can be published at anytime.

Which means by the time a newspaper publishes a story it will no longer be news worthy as it will be all over the internet already,therefore they is need for media houses to keep their websites alive,they need to be updated everytime they is something news worthy.

Keeping the audience upadated  enhances the trust of the media  house.

According to (ZAMPS) Zimbabwe All Media products and service survey in Zimbabwe they is  1,223,947 total number of people in Zimbabwe who are using the internet.

From the way things are changing   in 10 years time  almost three quarters of the population will be using the internet, the Media in Zimbabwe will be more concerned  their websites.
Almost every media house in Zimbabwe does have employees who are responcible  for  their websites but they are not taking really putting much effort to keep their websites updated.

The more people embracing on internet the more pressure on media houses to keep their audience updated.

It wont be surprising that in the coming years each and every school will have   coimputers as well as   qualified lectures,unlike the current situation in the country whereby a school might have computers but with no qualifed teacher in IT.

In addition, information and technology will be be taught from a very age in most parts of the country in the coming years,which means that internet will be  a neccessity to  all the media houses.

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