Thursday, September 20, 2012


Media is defined as a means of communicating information . The media industry are those media forms designed to reach people with the information, for example, the radio, press and television.
In Zimbabwe 1,223,947 people have some form of internet, whether at home, the office,internet cafe or by mobile, according to ZAMPS (ZIMBABWE ALL MEDIA PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SURVEY OF Q4 2011). Out of a population of an estimated  12 million people, this accounts for less than a third of the population.
But there could be other reasons to this very low figure of internet users, most probably to do with broadband. If broadband is upgraded which mighty be sooner , we are going to witness a surge in this number. 
The internet has an advantage overt traditional media like radio, television and press in that the internet allows broadcast on a wide range of platforms , thus allowing easy access for consumers.
News can be spread to a large amount of people, quickly and easily on twitter, you tube, blogs , facebook and a wide range of social networks

In Zimbabwe the print media is bracing up for competition through engaging their audience on internet, although more still needs to be done to encourage feedback, so is the electronic media, but meaningful engagement with the audience is still lacking.

Internet is growing popular each day and the onus is on the media to keep in pace , otherwise they will be left behind and people will end up relying on the internet for news. 

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